1.60 days returns
In the event you receive a damaged piece of outdoor sports gear or a piece of gear with an error, please notify us immediately via Email and you will receive either a refund of your purchase or an exchange.
Customers are able to return new, unopened items fulfilled by Surprizze within 60 days of the delivery date. Please note that on all returned and canceled orders of personalized items there is a 30% restocking fee.
Suprizze reserves the right to make any amendments to this policy at any time. Notifications of any changes will be published on this page. If you have any inquiries regarding this or any of our other policies, please do not hesitate to contact Customer care.
2.Payment with Complete Confidence
Our payment system has 128 bit encryption and secure servers.
We accept all major credit cards, bank transfers, and payments made through PayPal.
Your credit card information is not processed through or stored on our servers, and no information is ever released to a third party.
3.Worldwide Free Shipping
We ship to most countries all over the world.
Worldwide Free Shipping is our standard delivery for all orders.
Here you can find the full delivery conditions.